On September 28th, AIA Central Pennsylvania members gathered to celebrate design excellence, at the Historic King Mansion in Harrisburg for building tours, an exclusive vendor expo, networking happy hour, and the 2022 design awards reveal.
Through the AIA Pennsylvania Architectural Excellence Awards programs, upwards of 50 awards and recognitions are presented annually to firms and individuals across Pennsylvania for excellence in design, contributions to the profession of architecture, and commitment to the quality of the built environment.
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates (CRA) is proud to share that 4 of our projects have won awards this year!
Bainbridge Elementary School – Elizabethtown Area School District
Merit Award & Good Design is Good Business Award
Jury Comments: “A school that puts students at the center of it for a community that puts children at the center of it. The building maintains the character of the original design, but adds the latest theories of modern elementary education. Circulation into the building from the street has been made safe and accessible. Collaborative classrooms build upon each other while creating a connection to the outdoors. Great design creates engaged students. This is an example of A+ architecture.”
Corl Street Elementary School – State College Area School District
Citation Award
Jury Comments: “This is a project designed with the pedestrian in mind. From the reorganization of the site, to the flow throughout the building. It’s very clear how to approach the building, how to enter the building, and how to find your classroom. The color pallet is playful yet not too loud. Exploring the building you’ll find a circle motif that pulls the spaces together. Centered around a Learning Stair, the students can assemble and see their friends. We think this building did an excellent job of reaching the goals it set out to achieve.”
Spring Creek Elementary School – State College Area School District
Merit Award
Jury Comments: “The scale of Spring Creek Elementary is hidden behind a balance of volumetric modules interrupted with cantilevered roof planes sliding past the modules. An unassuming site wall quietly brings you into the main entrance of Spring Creek Elementary bringing with it topography and building facade; the entrance lobby is flanked with exterior materials that have wrapped into the building giving the sense of an internal covered yard. Along with the volumetric modules, glazed lanterns spring above the roof line defining programmatic grade modules and flooding corridors with natural light; exterior materials are again invited into the interior. Merit is awarded to Spring Creek Elementary for the architect’s efforts in playfully inviting the outdoor world in and allowing the users to decide if they are indoors or out.”
Wildcat Activity Center – Mechanicsburg Area School District
Citation Award
Jury Comments: “A unique solution for a unique problem. Adding a separate activity center for the growing school was a smart way to create more gym space. What was attractive about this design was that this program type could have put function completely over form. The architect was allowed to create an attractive building that will be exciting for after school activities. Inverted trusses invite the structure into the space while allowing a clerestory window to bring in extra light. This activity center is a huge moral boost to the home team.”
Elysia Mikkelsen, CRA & AIA Central PA President | Jeffrey Straub, CRA | Jacquelyn Huff, State College Area School District | Arif Hasanbhai, CRA | Laurel Zydney, State College Area School District
Elysia Mikkelsen, CRA & AIA Central PA President | Grace Heiland, CRA | Dan Forry, Elizabethtown Area School District | Adam Bergens, Elizabethtown Area School District | John Beddia, CRA
Elysia Mikkelsen, CRA & AIA Central PA President | Arif Hasanbhai, CRA | Jeffrey Straub, CRA | Dick Castner, Mechanicsburg Area School District
Congratulations to all of the team members involved in these projects.